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Recovering The Unrecoverable

Data Retrieval

An unfortunate truth that many people are unaware of is that if you use computers at your place of business on a day to day basis, the chances that you may lose valuable data are very high. In fact, one form of data loss will happen in your business office sooner than later. And when that happens, you’ll need all the data retrieval information that you can get.

Perhaps your data loss situation turns out to be minor, like an accidentally deleted file that was in fact very important and very valuable to your company. Or at the other end of the scale, perhaps it was catastrophic and the data loss that your company experienced was total, with all of your data being destroyed in one fell swoop. Either way, it is a situation that nobody likes to face, but hiding fom it won't prevent it from happening.

Data loss can harm your business like nothing else
The consequences of data loss tend to match the level of severity of the data loss. For example, a single lost file may mean you lose a client and the revenue associated to that client as well as the billable hours lost working on the lost file. Total data loss often means the end of that business if they are not prepared for it.

Data loss can happen in a number of ways
It could have been caused by user error, a power surge, turning off a computer improperly, a damaged or incorrectly formatted partition, a virus, sabotage, or through physical damage to the computer/hard drive caused by anything from dropping it, to a fire or natural disaster.

In less serious instances of data loss, data retrieval may only require a good data retrieval software program. In more serious cases, you’re looking at more expensive procedures involving special labs, and actual professional data retrieval technicians digging the data out of what’s left of your hard drives. That’s where Hard Disk Recovery Services can help.

Regardless of the reason why you’ve lost data, it is a horrible thing to have to deal with. If you have yet to experience it, count yourself lucky. But be warned, it WILL happen. Perhaps not in the most catastrophic sense, but even losing one file can cost you thousands. It’s best to prepare ahead of time to ensure not only that copies of your work still exist, but also that your business can be up and running again in as little time as possible. Putting a little thought into disaster recovery planning is never a bad idea.

But if you have recently lost data, Hard Disk Recovery Services understands your plight. We develop our own customized data retrieval software that you can download and use to recover your data yourself. We also offer 24/7 support if you need help. We have 15 years of data retrieval experience, highly trained data retrieval technicians, and state of the art tools and clean room facilities.

We are also sympathetic to our customer concerns. We do not charge to initially assess your situation, and while we boast a 95% data retrieval success rate, in the rare cases where we cannot recover your data, we do not charge you for the effort. That’s an offer that’s very difficult to beat, so if you’ve experienced data loss, contact us today!

If you would like to learn more about data retrieval, or if you would like to request a free quote, click here.

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